Supporting prisoners is our priority. It is our mission!
Please consider a gift to Dismas Ministry as part of your Lenten almsgiving.
$12,469 raised
$10,000 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Dear Friends,
“Thank you so very much. I’m happy to finally receive my “NAB”!
I’m happy to be able to study and share more of God’s glorious Word!
Thank you so much for your time and God Bless!” – Paul, from California
Paul is one of thousands of incarcerated men and women who receive Catholic, faith-based materials from Dismas Ministry each year. He wrote to share his joy in receiving his very own copy of NAB, which stands for New American Bible.
In the early months of the pandemic, and still within the last year, the demand for our resources fluctuated. That is, in part, because many chaplains and prison volunteers couldn’t visit the facilities and conduct in-person visits with inmates. While we could still send materials to both prisoners and chaplains, we saw a drop in the number of Bibles requested since the pre-pandemic days.
This year, we set our budget at a conservative amount not knowing what to expect. Now, requests for Bibles have steadily increased since more religious and other programming has resumed behind bars. This is good news! But, we have already surpassed our budget for this fiscal year.
Will you help us? Supporting prisoners is our priority. It is our mission! Please consider a gift to Dismas Ministry as part of your Lenten almsgiving. Your gift is a reflection of your loving heart and compassion for those we serve.
Each prisoner’s request for a Catholic Bible is truly a sign of hope – for the individual, their loved ones, and everyone impacted by their incarceration. It speaks to that person’s desire to seek the Gospel and begin or strengthen a life of faith.
Please consider making a gift today, so that we may place a Bible in the hands of each prisoner who requests one. Thank you for your kind support. You are in our grateful prayers – today and always.
Easter Blessings to you and your loved ones!
Ms. Tyler Curtis
Executive Director